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- Microchip must be inserted before rabies vaccine is administered

Dogs and cats must be vaccinated against rabies twice or more after the microchip implanting.    

   First rabies vaccination

  • At least 91days old at the time of vaccination (the date of birth is counted as day 0)

  • After the microchip implanting (including the same day of implanting)

   Second rabies vaccination

  • More than 30days apart from the first vaccination (the date of the first one is counted as day 0)

  • Within the effective period of the first vaccination

     (Acceptable vaccines)

  • Inactivated (killed) virus vaccine  or recombinant / modified vaccine  



  • If the effective period of the rabies vaccination will expire before arrival in Japan, an additional rabies vaccination must be administered within the period.

  • The rabies vaccination administered after the effective period of the previous one is not accepted as an ‘additional vaccination’. The importer must start the procedures from the first rabies vaccination.

  • Rabies vaccination conducted before microchip implantation is invalid, but it may be accepted 

  • Live virus vaccine is not accepted.

- 1 month after the rabies vaccine is administered; the blood sample can be drawn and must be sent to approved lab

   for rabies blood test. If pet have an up to date rabies vaccine (no lapse), no need to wait 1 month after the rabies

   vaccine is administered. In this case, blood sample can be drawn anytime.

     ** List of the designated laboratories is here.

- Cats/Dogs can only be shipped 3 months after the blood sample was drawn. 

     **In addition, the arrival date in Japan must be within ‘the expiry period of the rabies vaccine administered’ and

    ‘the validity period of the rabies antibody test (2 years from the date of blood sampling)’

- International health certificate, export license  -This will be facilitated by United Pet Express.

- Copy of owner’s passport

Original documents to come along with the pet(s)
1. International Health Certificate and Endorsed EU Veterinary Certificate (this will be provided by Us)
2. Vaccination Records -The record must have pets' vaccination histories with tattoos or chips, rabies shots (anti-rabies

    inoculation) older than 30 days but it must not be expired.
3. Rabies blood Test 
4. Microchip Certificate

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